Trichinella spiralis
Infection of people with trichneliasis can occur when eating meat of a pig (sausages, sausages), wild boar, bear, badger and other more than 60 species of animals, wild birds.
How does the infection take place
The meat of these animals often contains Trichinella larvae, 0.25-0.4 mm in size. Rarely has anyone ever eaten sausage or pork at least once in their life. Remember! Trichinella larvae do not die even when boiling meat! Meat in which Trichinella larvae are found must be disposed of.
With pieces of infected meat, the larvae enter the human intestine. There they are introduced into the intestinal stack, into the lymphatic vessels located there. In just 2 days, the larvae turn into sexually mature worms up to 4 mm in size and mate. Adult worms live in the intestinal wall for about 2 months.
Trichinella larvae live in human organs for decades!
Unlike other worms, female Trichinella spp. Do not lay eggs! Each female gives birth to about 2000 live larvae in the lumen of the lymphatic vessel. Through the lymphatic and blood vessels, the larvae spread to all organs, where tumors of different sizes are formed around them. The size of the tumors depends mainly on the number of larvae accumulated in them.
Trichinella larvae live in human organs for decades!
Distinguish between acute and chronic trichinosis. If the swallowed meat contains many larvae, then the disease begins quickly and is acute with nausea, vomiting, high fever, muscle and abdominal pain. Often there is an allergic rash on the skin, swelling of the eyelids, face, neck and other parts of the body, hemorrhages in various organs, heart weakness. All this lasts from 1-2 to 5-6 weeks. It is very difficult to distinguish acute trichinosis from poisoning, including food poisoning. It is clear that many of these patients die.
If the meat contains few Trichinella larvae, then the disease is chronic. The symptoms of chronic trichinosis depend on which organs are affected by the larvae. Typical for Trichinella is the defeat of the muscles and glandular organs. Moreover, not only the external muscles are affected, but also the muscles of the internal organs, muscles in the walls of arteries and veins. There are blood vessels in all organs. Therefore, trichinosis can affect any organs, even bones!
What diseases can be with chronic trichinosis?
Pain in muscles and joints, osteochondrosis, curvature and hernia of the spine, torticollis, strabismus when the corresponding muscles are affected. Knots and lumps above and below the skin.
Enlargement, inflammation of the lymph nodes and tonsils
Prolonged temperature rise
In the mammary glands, seals, tumors, nodes, cysts
In the uterus, fibroids, polyps, tumors
In the prostate, nodes, lumps, calcifications, tumors
In the thyroid gland, nodes, tumors, cysts.
Tumors in the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum.
In the liver, in the pancreas, in the lungs, in the kidneys, in the spleen, nodes, tumors, cysts.
Arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, weakness of the heart, if the larvae form nodes in the thickness of the heart muscle or in the muscles of the arteries of the heart.
Stroke, convulsions, brain tumors.
Allergies, rashes, itching, bronchial asthma and other diseases. The symptoms of the disease depend mainly on which organs and to what extent are affected by the larvae.
During pregnancy, Trichinella larvae can penetrate from the mother's body into the fetus. If they damage vital organs, then the fetus dies, miscarriage or stillbirth occurs. In other cases, a child may be born with incomprehensible diseases and defects.
Such patients turn to different doctors (therapist, pediatrician, otolaryngologist, neuropathologist, surgeon, oncologist, gynecologist, urologist, dermatologist and others). Unfortunately, most doctors do not even remember about Trichinella.

The main reason that doctors forget about Trichinella is the lack of reliable methods for their diagnosis.
As you can see, Trichinella spp, сan be the cause of many diseases
Trichinosis is diagnosed only by a blood test for antibodies that form in the blood of infected people.
Many people, including doctors, think that a blood test is an accurate method for diagnosing parasites. In fact, this is a biochemical blood test, with the help of which they are trying to find not worms, but antibodies that are formed in the blood of infected people. It is known that chemical reactions can occur only under the appropriate conditions - a sufficient amount of substances that enter into the reaction, the presence of catalysts, the required temperature, atmospheric pressure, etc. Therefore, this analysis is not accurate!
The results of this analysis can be:
  • No infection
  • There is an infection, but there are not enough antibodies for the biochemical reaction of their detection.
  • There is an infection
  • Infection once was
Such analyzes mislead doctors and patients!
Therefore, trichinosis is often treated under other diagnoses
This is very dangerous, since as a result of some influences, the disease can worsen (trauma to the places where Trichinella was found, biopsy, surgery, sunburn, radiation, physiotherapy, acupuncture, etc.).
Oncologists are well aware of the role of these factors in the transformation of benign tumors into malignant ones. Many of you also know how dangerous it is to remove or injure moles. However, most surgeons and oncologists treat tumors as standard. They trust the histological analysis, do the biopsy.
Trauma activates Trichinella larvae. They leave the sites of localization, move along the lymphatic, blood vessels to the wall of the small intestine. Here, in 2 days, the larvae turn into mature worms and mate. Each female gives birth to about 2000 live larvae in 2 months. A huge number of larvae spread through the lymphatic and blood vessels to various organs. As a result, there is a rapid increase in the size of old tumors and the formation of new ones. This may be accompanied by an increase in temperature, increased pain, diarrhea, allergies, hemorrhages in various organs, an increase in heart weakness and other signs of exacerbation of trichinosis. Doesn't that sound like cancer?
In oncology, a theory has been adopted according to which cancer cells are formed from the cells of the organs of patients, but they do not look like them.
Oncologists most of all trust histological analysis. Everything seems to be visible under the microscope. Most histologists are well aware of how human organ cells look under a microscope, but. do not know what the cells of Trichinella larvae look like. They do not even think about them! In such a situation, the cells of Trichinella larvae, which do not resemble the cells of human organs, can be called cancer cells!
Trichinella proliferates in the wall of the small intestine. Newly diagnosed tumors of other organs, regardless of their size, already indicate a common disease!
Cancer is usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.
Can they help with trichinosis? Of course not! After these treatments, we always diagnose patients with trichinosis.
Attention! Tumors often shrink temporarily after chemotherapy. This gives hope to doctors and patients. However, a temporary decrease in the size of tumors can occur as a result of the activation of Trichinella larvae, when some of the larvae leave the tumor to reproduce. The cycles of their reproduction with the birth of millions of new larvae are repeated. Old tumors grow rapidly, new ones appear.
Growing tumors of the brain and heart quickly lead to the death of patients. Tumors of other organs can become large. Such patients die mainly from increasing temperature, hemorrhages, heart weakness, allergies and other manifestations of acute trichinosis and, of course, from complications of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Treatment with the device "Imedis"
At present, only on the device "Imedis", with a good specialist, it is possible to accurately diagnose and destroy Trichinella. The widespread use of this apparatus would allow avoiding many diagnostic and treatment errors. The results of surgical treatment would be much better with the timely diagnosis and destruction of Trichinella and other parasites.
Here are some interesting examples from our practice:
Patient G. Kh.
52 years old
Diagnosis: brain cancer, HIV, psoriasis
4 months ago he contacted us. Then his diagnosis was HIV, psoriasis. He received HIV treatment for about 6 months. More than 3 months ago, itchy, red spots appeared on his stomach, chest, back, very similar to psoriasis.

We did not find HIV viruses on Imedis, but we did find worms, metagonimuses, in the patient's liver. We selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies. After 3 months, the spots on the skin and itching were gone. The state of health was good. However, after 2 weeks his son called and said that his dad began to walk badly, his speech became slurred. We offered to urgently come to us in Moscow. The patient lives in Azerbaijan. A week later, the son reported that dad was getting worse. The relatives decided to take him to Iran for examination and treatment. In Iran, a brain tumor was found on MRI. They offered an operation. The oncologist told the relatives that if the patient survived the operation, he would remain paralyzed. By this time, the patient could no longer walk and talk. The sons brought him to us in a chair and in their arms!

Diagnostics at Imedis revealed the cause of the brain tumor - Trichinella larvae in the motor area of the cerebral wing. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies. We selected therapeutic frequencies to restore the function of damaged organs.

After 3 months, the patient began to walk and talk. 7 years have passed. The patient is healthy! Leads a normal life.
Patient D. S.
29 years old
Diagnosis: cancer, neuroglioma of the left lumbar region
From England. The patient was worried about lower back pain. The tumor was found on MRI. Operation proposed.

At Imedis we diagnosed Trichinella larvae in the lymph nodes of the lumbar region and in the uterus. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies. We selected therapeutic frequencies.

After 5 months, MRI again saw a tumor in the same place. Underwent an operation, removed the enlarged lymph nodes. Histological examination did not reveal any "cancer cells" in them.

Why did the lymph nodes remain enlarged 5 months after the destruction of Trichinella? In the lymph nodes damaged by trichinella, inflammation develops. With severe inflammation, the lymph nodes increase in size, they can fuse with each other and with the surrounding tissues. After the destruction of Trichinella, the inflammation disappears. The lymph nodes may shrink but may remain enlarged.

Remember! After a sore throat, the tonsils may also remain enlarged! 4 years have passed. The patient feels good, works, enjoys life. Another good news - the patient is pregnant after 6 years of infertility!
Patient E. G.
18 years old
Diagnosis: ankylosing spondylitis, conjunctivitis
For more than 2 years she has been worried about severe pain in the back, arms, legs, muscle cramps. 3 months ago, pains and severe redness in the eyes developed, and vision was sharply weakened. Despite numerous examinations in leading clinics, including genetic analysis, treatment with painkillers, hormonal and other drugs, the disease progresses.

At Imedis, we diagnosed the patient with trichinosis. The parasites were in the muscles of the back, arms, legs, in the veins of the conjunctiva of the eyes, in the chest and abdominal lymph nodes.

We selected therapeutic frequencies. Trichinella was destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 3 months, the pains almost did not bother her, the redness of the eyes disappeared, and her vision was restored. Doesn't take medications! More than 2 years have passed. The patient has recovered and is about to get married.
Patient Z. V.
30 years old
Diagnosis: melanoma
At Imedis, we diagnosed a patient with trichinosis. We selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies. After 2 months, he decided to undergo surgery. The mole was removed. The result of the histological analysis: no cancer cells were found!
Patient A.E.
4 years old
Diagnosis: trichinosis
At the age of one, he underwent surgery for a heart defect (tetralogy of Fallot). Parents are worried about the child's frequent sore throats and poor appetite.

At Imedis, we diagnosed a patient with trichinosis. The parasites were in his tonsils, in the duodenal wall. We have selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies. Interestingly, Trichinella was found and destroyed in the patient's mother.

It turns out that she had 2 cases of stillbirth in the 6th and 9th months of pregnancy.
Patient A.E.
35 years old
Diagnosis: cancer of the left breast. Stage 2-A
The result of histology: invasive, unspecified cancer of the left breast of the 3rd stage of malignancy. Three times negative type with basal cell phenotype. T2N0M0 Molecular biological analysis result: BRCA 1 polymorphism associated with a high risk of breast and ovarian cancer (as in Angelina Jolie) was detected. No metastases were found. After 2 weeks, an operation was prescribed - removal of the left breast. The patient was referred to us by an oncologist, who himself recovered from "lung cancer".

At Imedis, we diagnosed the patient with trichinosis. Parasites were not only in the left, but also in the right mammary gland, in the lymph nodes of the left axillary region, cheeks, neck, pelvis, and in the duodenal wall.

We have selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites are destroyed by resonant frequencies. The patient and her husband were told that the multiplication and spread of Trichinella occurred after the biopsy. Without the destruction of the parasites, the operation would be meaningless. In the coming months, an ultrasound or CT scan would reveal enlarged lymph nodes affected by Trichinella, which would be called metastases. Now you have a choice - to refuse the operation, to keep the mammary gland, or to agree to the operation.

It turned out that her sister had recently died of breast cancer. The patient's parents insist on surgery. After 1.5 months before the operation, the oncologists did a second examination. Result: the size of the tumor has significantly decreased 5x11x9 mm, there are no metastases. The patient underwent surgery, only the tumor was removed from the left breast.

Of course, the diagnosis after surgery was left the same, but stage 0! 2 years have passed. The patient's condition is good, she enjoys life, wants to have a baby. The patient has been married for 9 years. She was not pregnant. After chemotherapy, her periods stopped, and 2 months ago they resumed. After another 4 months, the patient reported that she was pregnant! The gestation period is 3.5 months. The pregnancy went well, gave birth to a healthy baby girl! 7 years have passed. The patient has recovered!