Strongyloides stercoralis
Strongyloidosis affects not only people, but also many domestic, wild animals. These worms are the cause of many common diseases in adults and children, but they are very rarely diagnosed.
Strongyloids are very small 2.2mm and thin 0.04mm. They are only visible under a microscope
Males live in the duodenum lumen of infected humans. Females penetrate into the intestinal wall, into the bile ducts, into the gallbladder, into the liver, into the pancreatic ducts, into the stomach, into all parts of the intestine, into nearby lymph nodes and other organs.
Strongyloids reproduce at a fantastic rate. Periodically, females lay up to 40 eggs each). In just 12-24 hours, larvae emerge from these eggs, grow, become sexually mature, mate and lay their own eggs. That is, there is a massive multiplication of parasites directly in the intestines of an infected person.
Some of the eggs in the feces can get on the soil. Larvae emerge from them, grow, multiply and crawl over the soil, climb the grasses.
Strongyloid larvae enter the human body in the following ways:
Through the skin in contact with the ground, grass, walking barefoot or in light shoes, etc. Then, with the blood, the larvae are carried through the organs - into the heart, into the pulmonary vessels, alveoli, and through them into the respiratory tract. Then they crawl along the bronchi to the mouth, nose, mix with saliva, swallow, and enter the duodenum.
Larvae are swallowed from dirty hands, from poorly washed vegetables, fruits, herbs. In the duodenum, the larvae penetrate the intestinal wall, into the veins located there and are carried by blood to the liver, heart, and lungs. Then they penetrate the respiratory tract, crawl to the mouth, nose, mix with saliva, are swallowed and again reach the duodenum.
During pregnancy, strongyloid larvae can penetrate from the mother's body into the fetus. If they damage vital organs, then the fetus dies or a miscarriage occurs. In other cases, a child is born with illnesses that have come from nowhere.
Strongyloidosis can also be contracted as a result of anal-oral sex.
Strongyloids live in the human body for more than 25 years
  • They assimilate nutrients, vitamins, minerals, injure organs, and weaken the immune system. Feces and secretions of worms are absorbed into the bloodstream, carried throughout the body.
  • Strongyloid females, penetrating into the intestinal wall, are the cause of erosions, ulcers, tumor-like growths, granulations.
  • In the gallbladder and bile ducts, strongyloids can cause inflammation and stone formation.
  • By injuring the pancreatic ducts, they cause pancreatitis.
  • Cases of death of patients from strongyloidosis are know.
What are the symptoms of strongyloidosis?
These are abdominal pains, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, gas, poor appetite, often diarrhea, allergies, skin rash, itching, blistering after scratching, cough, anemia, headaches, fatigue, neurosis, sleep disturbance, menstrual disorders, infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, etc.
Each person has his own, individual reaction to worms. Someone may have 1 or 2 of these symptoms, while others may have more. Symptoms vary in severity. Someone may not pay attention to minor symptoms, while others may have severe manifestations.
Such patients turn to different doctors (therapist, pediatrician, pulmonologist, allergist, dermatologist, gynecologist, etc.). Unfortunately, most doctors don't even think about strongyloids.
As you can see, strongyloids can cause many diseases and symptoms
They try to diagnose diseases, try to treat, not knowing, without eliminating their cause - strongyloiov (gastritis, duodenitis, duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, diarrhea, enteritis, dysbiosis, allergies, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, migraine, anemia, syndrome chronic fatigue, infertility, miscarriage, menstrual irregularities, etc.).
The main reason that doctors forget about strongyloids is the lack of accurate diagnostic methods
To diagnose strongyloidiasis, feces analysis for helminth eggs is used, but strongyloid larvae in feces are very rarely found.
Strongyloids can be seen by microscopy of the fluid taken by the probe from the duodenum. This unpleasant procedure has been forgotten even by endoscopists!
Treating strongyloidosis with drugs is also not easy. Medicines can be effective against mature worms, but they are ineffective against larvae. I wonder how the effectiveness of drugs is checked if there are no reliable diagnostic methods?
Moreover, medications can also have a bad effect on the affected intestines, liver, pancreas and other organs.
Currently, only at Imedis, with a good specialist, it is possible to accurately diagnose and destroy strongyloids with resonant frequencies.
Diagnostics and treatment
Here are some interesting examples:
Patient N. Kh.
37 years old
Diagnosis: bronchial asthma, allergies, acne
He has been suffering from bronchial asthma for over 8 years. According to the patient, he was treated in many well-known clinics, in sanatoriums of the Crimea, in salt caves, but the disease is progressing. He is forced to frequently use inhalers and hormonal medications. In addition, he is worried about acne and red, itchy streaks that often appear on the skin. The cause of the disease is still unknown.

At Imedis, we diagnosed a strongyloid infection of a patient. Parasites were in his liver, gall bladder, bronchi, lymph nodes. We selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 3 months, the patient was no longer worried about anything. He no longer needs an inhaler and other medications! More than 12 years have passed. The patient has recovered!
Patient R. Sh.
48 years old
Diagnosis: allergies, allergic rhinitis, chronic diarrhea
He is from Germany. For more than 6 years he has been worried about diarrhea up to 6 times a day. Periodically, itchy rashes appear on his stomach and back. In spring and autumn, he is worried about a runny nose, frequent sneezing. In addition, he is worried about fatigue, fatigue, and frequent colds. Analyzes and studies could not help doctors find out the cause of the disease. Treatment only temporarily improves the condition.

At Imedis, we diagnosed strongyloids in the intestines, gall bladder, and nasal cavities. We selected therapeutic frequencies. The strongyloids were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 4 months, the patient reported that he had recovered!
Patient H.
35 years old
Diagnosis: chronic diarrhea
He has been suffering from this disease for 8 years. Diarrhea occurs up to 6 times a day. Repeated examinations and treatment did not help. The patient is afraid to eat. Immediately after eating, you have to run to the toilet.

At Imedis we diagnosed a strongyloid infection of a patient. We have selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

Defecation has become normal in the coming days!
Patient K.
26 years old
Diagnosis: strongyloidosis
She had 2 miscarriages within 3 months of pregnancy. Multiple studies have not helped doctors figure out the cause of the miscarriages.

At Imedis, we diagnosed a patient with strongyloids. We selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 2 months, another pregnancy began. It proceeded without complications. A healthy boy was born on time.
Patient M.E.
45 years old
Diagnosis: celiac disease
For 8 years she has been worried about frequent diarrhea. Numerous tests and studies did not help doctors find out the cause of the disease. Diet and treatments don't help.

On "Imedis" we diagnosed infection of a patient with strongyloids vulgaris. The worms have damaged the mucous membrane and the muscular membrane of the small intestine. The therapeutic frequencies were selected, the worms were destroyed by the resonant frequencies. After 1 month, the patient reported that she had recovered!

Attention! Until now, it was believed that only the stercoideasternoids can be parasites of people. It turns out that vulgaris stotrongyloids, which are considered parasites of horses and other herbivores, can also parasitize in humans!