For the first time, schistosomes were discovered in tropical countries almost 200 years ago (Egypt, Thailand. Vietnam and others). Since then, schistosomiasis has been considered a tropical disease. Over the past 100 years, there has been a rapid movement of people and food in the world, and parasites, their eggs and larvae spread along with them. Climate warming also contributes to this.
Unlike most doctors, guided by outdated information, parasitological biologists find schistosomes in many water bodies of Russia, including the Moscow River.
The life span of schistosomes is over 40 years!
Moving in the thickness of the walls of arteries and veins, schistosomes injure them. In the damaged areas, inflammation occurs, weak zones are formed.

Females of schistosomes periodically lay about 3000 eggs per day in the lumen of blood vessels. A huge number of eggs slow down blood flow, contribute to the formation of blood clots. From the human and animal body, schistosome eggs are excreted along with feces and urine. The eggs of the parasite are equipped with a thorn and an enzyme, with the help of which they pass through all organs on the way to the intestines and urinary organs. This happens for decades, each time after the eggs are laid.
In places damaged by parasites. inflammation occurs. Edema, tumors, polyps, cysts, papillomas, atherosclerosis, aneurysms, hemangiomas, gliomas, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.
Infection with schistosomes can occur in the following ways:
The larvae of the parasite penetrate the skin upon contact with fresh water (washing, swimming, washing, fishing, watering gardens and vegetable gardens, etc.). At the same time, skin irritation occurs very often. Further, the larvae are introduced into the veins, with blood they enter the liver, heart, and lungs. Within 3 months they grow, mature, mate. To lay eggs, female schistosomes again move with blood to different organs, penetrate the walls of their arteries and veins. There is no such organ, the blood vessels of which would not infect the schistosomes!
During pregnancy, schistosome larvae can pass from the mother's body into the fetus. If they damage vital organs, the fetus dies. a miscarriage occurs. If other organs are damaged, the child may be born with defects or incomprehensible diseases.
What is the danger of schistosomes
As you can see, schistosomes can be the cause of many common, dangerous diseases in children and adults. They can even kill people unexpectedly, as a result of a heart attack or stroke, are a common cause of male and female infertility, and most doctors have not even heard of them! Eggs of schistosomes can sometimes be found in the urine and feces of patients.
Here are some interesting examples from our practice:
Patient R.F.
53 years old
Diagnosis: cervical cancer
Histology result: adenocarcinoma.The patient is worried about the discharge of blood from the vagina for more than 2 months. He categorically refuses surgery and other methods of oncological treatment.

At Imedis, we diagnosed schistosomes in the walls of the uterine veins. We selected the therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 4 days, the bleeding stopped. More than 7 years have passed. The patient has recovered!
Patient B. V.
55 years old
Diagnosis: prostate cancer
Last year he underwent surgery and removed the tumor through the urethra. However, after 8 months there was a relapse, a tumor grew in the bladder. This time it is suggested to remove the bladder. Cut out a piece of intestine, make a bladder substitute out of it. Such an operation frightened the patient. He approached us on the advice of our former patient.

At Imedis we diagnosed a patient with schistosomiasis. The parasites were in the veins of the genitourinary region. We have selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

7 years have passed. The patient feels healthy.
Patient A. A.
37 years old
Diagnosis: schistosomiasis, hepatitis B
He is from Egypt. 5 years ago in Cairo, he was diagnosed infection with schistosoma worms and viral hepatitis B. For more than 1 year the patient has been worried about frequent, severe headaches. Blood pressure is normal. MRI results of the brain, cervical vertebrae, complete blood count and urine tests are normal. In the biochemical analysis of blood ALT and AST - 40 and 55. Treatment does not help.

On the Imedis apparatus, we also diagnosed infection of the patient with schistosomes and hepatitis B viruses. Schistosomes were in the walls of the middle cerebral artery and temporal vein. Hepatitis B viruses were present in the liver and lymph nodes of the hepatic hilum. The destruction of schistosomes, in such cases, can lead to impaired blood flow in the blood vessels of the brain.

Therefore, first we select therapeutic frequencies to reduce the sensitivity of the patient's body to parasitic toxins. Then, we destroy schistosomes and hepatitis B viruses with resonant frequencies.

After 3 months, the patient was no longer worried about anything. There were no more headaches. ALT and AST tests became normal. More than 1 year has passed. The patient reported that he had recovered!
Patient M. T.
43 years old
Diagnosis: aneurysma of the abdominal aorta
2 years ago she had a stand in the abdominal aorta. They could not find out the cause of the disease. Blood pressure up to 160/90.

We diagnosed schistosomiasis at Imedis. The parasites were in the walls of the abdominal aorta, renal artery, and middle cerebral vein.

We selected therapeutic frequencies to reduce the sensitivity of the patient's body to parasitic toxins, to treat inflammation in the walls of worm-damaged arteries, veins, and others. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

Hopefully this example will be read by doctors dealing with blood vessel diseases.
Patient G.O.
45 years old
Diagnosis: chronic cystitis
She works as a nurse in Germany, in the urology department! For 5 years she has been worried about burning, pain in the urethra. Analyzes and research did not help doctors find the cause of the disease. Treatment did not help.

On the Imedis, we diagnosed a patient with schistosomes. The worms were in the veins of her bladder and urinary canal.

Were selected therapeutic frequencies to reduce the sensitivity of the patient's body to parasitic toxins, treatment of inflammation of the bladder and canal. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 3 months, the patient reported that she was no longer worried about anything. 2 years have passed. The patient has recovered!
Patient K.
38 years old
Diagnosis: myocardial infarction
This tall, broad-shouldered man who had never been sick before, 7 months ago, suddenly felt pain in his heart. With a diagnosis of myocardial infarction, he ended up in the hospital. Doctors saved his life. Then there was an operation: bypass grafting of the arteries of the heart. This forced, emergency operation saves the lives of many people, but in most patients, over time, the thrombus also closes the newly sewn vessel, because the operation does not eliminate the cause of damage to the vessels - parasites.

On "Imedis" we diagnosed the infestation of a patient with schistosomes. The parasites were in the walls of the arteries of the heart. We have selected therapeutic frequencies to reduce the sensitivity of the patient's body to parasitic toxins, treat inflammation in the arterial wall, and others. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

More than 10 years have passed. The patient is not worried about anything!