Eczema. Neurodermatitis. Atopic dermatitis. Recovery.
The main symptoms of these skin conditions are rashes and itching. Therefore, they are often difficult to distinguish from each other. Therefore, let me call them eczema. The cause of these diseases is not known. This means that modern diagnostic methods cannot help doctors find out the cause of eczema (skin tests with allergens, blood and urine tests, CT. MRI, ultrasound, endoscopy, histological analysis, and others).
Is it possible to cure a disease without knowing and eliminating its cause? Of course not! Without removing the splinter, the wound cannot be cured!
Here are some interesting examples from our practice:
Patient N. Kh.
37 years old
Diagnosis: bronchial asthma, eczema
He is from Baku. The patient has been suffering from bronchial asthma for 8 years. He was treated in various well-known clinics, sanatoriums of the Crimea, salt caves, but the disease is progressing. The patient is forced to often use an inhaler and hormonal drugs. He was so tortured that he was already thinking about suicide. In addition, itchy, red streaks and pimples on his face periodically appear in different parts of his body.

On the Imedis, we diagnosed infection of a patient with strongyloidosis. Parasites were in the bronchi, liver, gallbladder, intestines (more on the main page in the article "Parasitic worms").

We have selected therapeutic frequencies to reduce the sensitivity of the patient's body to parasitic toxins, to treat inflammation in organs damaged by parasites, and others. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies. The patient was advised not to eat garlic, pepper, cabbage, or meat broth for 2 months.

After 3 months, the patient was no longer worried about anything. There are no attacks of bronchial asthma, rashes, itching, acne! Has not been using medicines for more than 1 month. There are no eczema and acne either! More than 10 years have passed. The patient has recovered!
Patient M. S.
29 years old
Diagnosis: eczema, endometriosis, allergies
She has been suffering from eczema in the palm of her left hand for more than 7 years. Periodically, small, itchy, red rashes form on different parts of her body. In addition, the patient is worried about frequent headaches. Her period lasts 7 days. Moreover, the first 3 days they go abundantly. During menstruation, both breasts hurt. In a blood test, hemoglobin is below normal (105 mg / dl). The patient was treated in Moscow and Germany. The cause of the disease is unknown. Treatment temporarily improves her condition.

At Imedis, we diagnosed a patient with excessive negative impact (ENI), infection with worms-schistosomes. ENI impaired the function of the ovaries and external carotid arteries. Parasites were in the walls of the veins of the uterus and mammary glands.

We have selected therapeutic frequencies to eliminate ENI, reduce the sensitivity of the patient's body to parasitic toxins, and others. The schistosomes were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 3 months, the patient was no longer worried about anything! No headaches, no eczema. Menstruation lasts 4 days, not abundantly. The mammary glands do not hurt. Hemoglobin became 125 mg / dl. More than 1 year has passed. The patient has recovered!
Patient A.O.
42 years old
Diagnosis: eczema
For more than 4 months she is worried about redness, burning sensation on the right side. Was treated by a therapist, dermatologist. Blood tests, ultrasonography and other methods did not help doctors find out the cause of the disease.

At Imedis, we diagnosed a patient with herpes zoster viruses type 3 (shingles).

We have selected therapeutic frequencies. Herpes viruses have destroyed resonant frequencies.

The redness and burning sensation on the patient's right side disappeared within 1 month! 2 years have passed. The patient has recovered!
Patient M.I.
53 years old
Diagnosis: eczema
She has been suffering from eczema of the right palm and lower legs for over 20 years. Examination and treatment in Moscow, Germany only temporarily relieves her condition.
For more than 15 years, she has been periodically worried about sore throat, cough, diffuse hair loss. Recently, cardiologists have discovered that there is insufficient blood supply to the heart during exercise. An ultrasound scan revealed a small liver cyst and uterine myoma, which has not been growing for 2 years.

At Imedis, we diagnosed the patient with excessive negative impact (ENI), infection with echinococcosis and strongyloidosis. ENI impaired the function of the right artery of the heart.Echinococcal cysts were in the liver and uterus. Strongyloids - in the small intestine. gallbladder, bronchi.

We have selected therapeutic frequencies to eliminate ENI, reduce the sensitivity of the patient's body to parasitic toxins, and others. Echinococcus larvae and strongyloids were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 2 months, the eczema was gone. Repeated cardiological examination did not reveal impaired cardiac circulation during exercise. There is no sore throat and no coughing either. It took 1.5 years. The patient reported that the ultrasound scan did not detect a liver cyst and uterine fibroids in her!
Patient Sh. S.
11 years old
Diagnosis: bronchial asthma, eczema
According to her mother, the girl's illness began at the age of 3. If there are attacks of bronchial asthma, he uses an inhaler, sometimes prednisone is taken. Periodically, red, itchy spots appear on her stomach, chest, and back. The cause of the disease is still unknown.

On "Imedis" we diagnosed the infection of the patient with hookworms. The parasites were in the small intestine, in the liver and bronchi of the patient. We have selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 3 months, the girl's mother reported that the girl had no asthma attacks, the inhaler was no longer needed, the eczema had disappeared! More than 1 year has passed. The patient has recovered!
Patient M. S.
23 years old
Diagnosis: eczema, diarrhea, dizziness
For more than 1 year, she has been worried about small, red rashes with itching all over the body, often diarrhea and dizziness. The patient's blood pressure and hemoglobin are normal. Examination and treatment by a dermatologist, therapist, cardiologist, allergist only temporarily improves the condition. The cause of the disease is not known.

Using the Imedis, we diagnosed toxocariasis in the patient. The parasites were in the liver, in the vertebral arteries. We have selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 3 months, the patient was no longer worried about anything!