Diabetesmellitus. Recovery
«Ignoring incredible cases is the lot of weak scientists»
— Dr. Emmanuel Revici

Modern medicine considers diabetes mellitus (DM) to be an incurable disease.
There are two main types of disease
The first type (T1DM) is predominantly ill from childhood. Blood sugar numbers in type 1 diabetes are immediately very high. These patients cannot live without insulin injections. The exact cause of T1DM is unknown. The role of viral diseases in the development ofT1DM (influenza, measles, rubella, etc.), autoimmune damage to the beta cells of the pancreas, genetic predisposition is suggested. It is believed that insulin is not produced in the pancreas in T1DM.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is more common in adults. T2DM can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on blood sugar levels. Insulin is usually used only in severe cases. The pancreas in T2DM produces insulin in normal amounts, but blood sugar for some reason remains above normal. The cause of T2DM is also unknown.
This means that modern diagnostic methods do not help doctors find out the cause of all types of diabetes mellitus (ultrasound, X-ray, CT, MRI, endoscopy, various blood and urine tests, histological analysis, and others). Is it possible to cure a disease without knowing and eliminating its cause? Of course not!
The reasons
More than 50 patients with diabetes mellitus T2 and 8 patients with T1 DM applied to us
In all these patients, we diagnosed excessive negative impact (CNI). In patients with T2DM, foci of irritation in the memory, formed as a result of negative events, were revealed. And most importantly, the elimination of these causes, in many cases, allows us to achieve the recovery of patients with T2DM!
Unlike adults, children find it difficult to remember many negative events in their lives. We are looking for cooperation with good psychologists or specialists who know how to introduce patients into a trance state to find out and eliminate the psychological cause of the disease.
Here are some interesting examples from our practice:
Patient K. Yu.
63 years old
Diagnosis: diabetes mellitus
He has been suffering from diabetes for more than 5 years. Periodically, the sugar in his blood increased to 15 mmol / L. Then you have to use insulin. The patient constantly takes 2 types of pills, but blood sugar below 9-11 mmol / l does not decrease.

Using the Imedis we diagnosed a patient with excessive negative impact (ENI). Revealed negative events that formed in the patient's memory foci of irritation. They disrupted the function of the pancreas.

We have selected therapeutic frequencies to eliminate ENI, irritation foci, to restore the function of the pancreas, and others. After 2 months, blood sugar became 7.5–8 mmol / l. He takes medications less often. Diagnostics at Imedis showed that the function of the pancreas is improving. The therapeutic frequencies were picked up again.

After another 2 months, blood sugar became 6.5-7 mmol / l. Doesn't take medicine! 8 years have passed. The patient has recovered!
Patient R.Z.
57 years old
Diagnosis: diabetes mellitus
He has diabetes for 2 years. The maximum blood sugar increased to 9 mmol / L. He is constantly taking medication that lowers blood sugar to 8 mmol / L.

On the Imedis, we diagnosed him with ENI, revealed negative events that formed centers of irritation in his memory.

Attention! They disrupted the function of the adrenal medulla, where adrenaline is produced! The patient's pancreas was functioning normally!

We have selected therapeutic frequencies to eliminate ENI, foci of irritation, to restore the function of the adrenal medulla, and others.

After 2 months, the Imedis diagnostics showed that the function of the adrenal medulla had improved. Blood sugar was no more than 8.5 mmol / L, without medication. The therapeutic frequencies were picked up again. It took 3 courses of treatment. After another 7 months, blood sugar was 5.5 -7 mmol / L without drugs!
Patient S.O.
47 years old
Diagnosis: diabetes mellitus
She was found to have an increase in blood sugar up to 8 mmol / l 9 months ago. I didn't take any medicine. She is also worried about high blood pressure up to 180/100. The patient takes medicines every day that lower blood pressure to 140/80.

At Imedis, we diagnosed the patient with excessive negative impact (ENI). Negative events were identified that formed foci of irritation in the patient's memory. They disrupted the function of the adrenal medulla! The patient's pancreas is functioning normally! We have selected therapeutic frequencies to eliminate ENI, foci of irritation, to restore the function of the adrenal medulla.

After 2 months, blood sugar was up to 6.0 mmol / L, blood pressure was no more than 130/80, without drugs!
Patient S. Kh.
29 years old
Diagnosis: diabetes mellitus, headaches
Her blood sugar reaches 13.5 mmol / l. Despite insulin injections, blood sugar does not drop below 9.5 mmol / L. On MRI the patient has a pituitary adenoma. A high content of prolactin was found in the blood. In addition, the patient takes daily pills for headache. Her blood pressure is normal.

At Imedis, we diagnosed the patient with ENI and infection with whipworms. Revealed negative events that formed foci of irritation in her memory. They were disrupting the function of her pancreas. Whipworms damaged the colon. We have selected therapeutic frequencies to eliminate ENI, foci of irritation in the patient's memory, and others. Whipworms were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 2 months, blood sugar and prolactin returned to normal, without medication. Headaches no longer bother. 8 months have passed. The patient has recovered!
Patient B. Kh. 63 years old
Diagnosis: diabetes mellitus, allergies
For more than 5 years the patient has been suffering from diabetes mellitus. For 4 months, blood sugar reaches 17 mmol / l. Doctors started treatment with insulin injections, but blood sugar below 11 mmol / L does not decrease. For another 3 years she has been worried about red itchy rashes all over her body. For almost 20 years, the patient has been worried about hoarse breathing, often constipation. Numerous analyzes and studies did not help doctors find out the cause of the disease. Treatment temporarily improves her condition.

At Imedis, we diagnosed the patient with ENI infection with clonorchial worms and whipworms. Negative events were identified that formed foci of irritation in the patient's memory. ENI and adverse events impaired pancreatic and bronchial function. The clonorchs were in her liver and bile ducts. Whipworms - in the colon.

We have selected therapeutic frequencies to eliminate ENI, irritation foci and others. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 2 months, the allergy was gone. The wheezing, which could not be cured for more than 20 years, disappeared. Blood sugar dropped to 8.0 mmol / L, without insulin and pills. Constipation no longer bothers.
Patient S. A.
50 years old
Diagnosis: type 2 diabetes mellitus
The disease was discovered 7 years ago, after severe stress. Her blood glucose increased to 20 mmol / L. The patient was prescribed treatment: glucofarge in the morning, and day and night forsyga - did not help. In Israel, doctors prescribed viscose injections for her, which helped her well to lower her blood glucose levels for 5 years. Then I could not buy viscose. Doctors replaced viscose with trulicity, after which the duration of menstruation increased, in the blood test ALT increased 2.5 times, AST - indicators of liver damage. In addition, the patient is worried about constipation.

At Imedis, we diagnosed the patient with the consequences of excessive negative exposure (ENI), excessive stress, infection with whipworms. Revealed negative events that formed foci of irritation in her memory.

Attention! ENI disrupted the function of the pituitary gland! The pancreas and even the adrenal glands were functioning normally. Whipworms damaged the colon (more about them in the article "Parasitic worms").

The liver damage was caused by drugs. We have selected therapeutic frequencies to eliminate the consequences of ENI, excessive stress, to eliminate foci of irritation in the patient's memory, to treat inflammation, restore the functions of damaged organs, and others. Whipworms were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 5 months, the patient reported that the glucose level in her blood was up to 7 mmol / L, without medication! Her monthly cycle has returned to normal, she has no constipation.