According to the results of our practice, whipworms are the most infectious worms. The disease caused by whipworms is called trichocephalosis. This disease affects children and adults.
Whipworms lives in the colon of infected people. Their length reaches 5.5 sm. They feed only on human blood. With their thin head, worms pierce the wall of the intestine, a blood vessel located thereblood. The saliva of whipworms contains a substance that prevents blood from clotting. In the intestines of an infected person, there can be from several pieces to several thousand whipworms. Each of them drinks about 0.005 ml of blood per day. It is believed that anemia develops when the number of whipworms is more than 800.
A fertilized female whipworm periodically lays up to 3,500 immature eggs a day. Eggs come out with feces, stick to various objects. They can be found on the wall of the toilet bowl, on the fingers of unclean people and from them on money, on door handles, on the handrails of transport, on the ground, in dust, on the paws and hair of dogs, cats etc. Flies and other insects can carry eggs. Whipworm eggs ripen in the external environment for about a month and only then become infectious.
Infection occurs when the eggs of the parasite are swallowed from contaminated hands, poorly washed food, inhaled dust, etc. Larvae emerge from the swallowed eggs in the colon. They are located between the villi of the colon, feed on blood, grow, after 2-3 months they become mature worms. Whipworms live for over 5 years. All this time they drink blood. Feces and excretions of parasites are absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream, carried to organs, and can disrupt their functions.
Imagine what could happen to a tree that is watered with little and dirty water. Such a tree will gradually shed fruits, leaves, and may even die. The same happens to the human body when anemia develops due to whipworms and the blood becomes dirty from their waste. All organs are affected! In some patients, the rectal mucosa falls out. Then you can see a lot of whipworms sucked to the intestine.
The attention of endoscopists!
Blood-sucking whipworms are like colon polyps!
To the attention of surgeons!
Whipworms are considered the most common cause of appendicitis. They can even pierce the colon through. In such cases, life-threatening complications occur - peritonitis, between intestinal abscess.
Abdominal pain, bad breath, from sweat or feces, drooling, mouth ulcers (stomatitis), bleeding gums, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, heartburn, teeth grinding, constipation or diarrhea, blood in the feces, anemia, headaches, dizziness, fainting, fatigue, fatigue, acne, rash on the face and body, allergies, itching, hair loss, impotence, menstrual disorders, miscarriage, infertility, stillbirth, children lagging behind in physical development etc.
What are the symptoms of a whipworm infection?
Each person has their own, individual reaction to infection with whipworms. Some have 1 or 2 of these symptoms, while others have more. Symptoms vary in severity. Someone does not pay attention to mild symptoms, while in others, they can be severe.
See, how many different symptoms and diseases whipworms cause!
Such patients turn to different doctors (therapist, surgeon, etc.). Unfortunately, most doctors do not even remember about whipworms. They try to diagnose and treat diseases (colitis, enteritis, dysbiosis, gastritis, constipation, sometimes diarrhea, anemia, headaches, dermatitis, allergies, hair loss, chronic fatigue syndrome, menstrual irregularities, miscarriage, impotence, and others).
The main reason that doctors forget about worms is the lack of accurate diagnostic methods.
Amazing! All over the world, the only method for diagnosing such a common and dangerous parasite as whipworm is the analysis of feces for worm eggs!
The result of this analysis can be negative if:
  • there is no infection
  • there is an infection, but the whipworms have not yet laid eggs.
The test result can be positive if:
  • there is an infection
  • there was an infection, but not all eggs have left the intestines. I remind you that whipworm larvae do not emerge from the eggs in the intestines!
Such analyzes can be the cause of errors for doctors and patients!
Getting rid of whipworms with medication is difficult and unsafe.
I wonder how the effectiveness of drugs is checked if there are no accurate diagnostic methods? Animals are not infected with human whipworms! Currently, only at Imedis, with a good specialist, it is possible to accurately, quickly diagnose whipworms and destroy them with resonant frequencies.
Here are some interesting examples from our practice:
Patient K.
27 years old
Diagnosis: whipworms
At the 9th month of her first pregnancy, she had a stillbirth. The next pregnancy ended with the premature birth of a live baby at the 6th month of pregnancy. The child soon died. In addition, the patient suffers from constipation (defecation was 1 time in 4 days), anemia (hemoglobin 90 mg / dl), general weakness, fatigue.

We diagnosed whipworms at Imedis. Negative events were identified that formed foci of irritation in the patient's memory. We selected therapeutic frequencies to eliminate foci of irritation in the patient's memory, to reduce the sensitivity of her body to parasitic toxins, and others. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies. They recommended a diet, propolis.

After 4 months, the patient became pregnant, and then gave birth to a healthy baby on time!
Patient C.
23 years old
Diagnosis: whipworms
For more than 2 years she has been worried about acne on her face, chest and back. I have repeatedly consulted cosmetologists, dermatologists, and gynecologists. The cause of the disease is not known, treatment does not help.

At Imedis, we diagnosed a patient with a whipworm infection. We selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies. The patient was recommended a diet, propolis.

Acne disappeared within 2 months!
Patient G.R.
53 years old
Diagnosis: headaches
He is a doctor. Headaches often bother a patient from the age of 24. The right half of the head hurts from the neck to the temple. Blood pressure is normal. The pain can last for hours, disappears after taking analgin with caffeine. The result of MRI of the brain and cervical spine: no pathological changes. Angiography of the blood vessels of the neck and head revealed a narrowing of the right external carotid artery. Blood tests and other tests are normal.

At Imedis, we diagnosed a patient infected with whipworms. These parasites, like leeches, pierce the wall of the colon, sucking the blood of infected people.

We selected therapeutic frequencies to reduce the sensitivity of the patient's body to parasitic toxins, treat inflammation of the colon, and others. The whipworms were destroyed by resonant frequencies. The patient was recommended propolis and a diet that does not irritate the intestines (no garlic, pepper, carbonated drinks).

The headaches stopped within 1 month. More than 2 years have passed. The patient has recovered!
Patient L. A.
23 years old
Diagnosis: hair loss
Hair loss on the head started over a year ago. Currently, the hair has thinned significantly. In addition, she is worried about general weakness, sometimes abdominal pain, nausea in the morning. In blood tests, hemoglobin is 80-100 mg / dl. Ultrasound and other tests are within normal limits. The monthly cycle is not broken. Thyroid hormones are normal.

We diagnosed whipworms at Imedis. We selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies. They recommended a diet, propolis.

After 4 months, the patient was not bothered by anything. Hair practically does not fall out, new hair began to grow. Hemoglobin became 110 mg / dl.
Patient M.
42 years old
Diagnosis: periodic illness
This disease is also called the Mediterranean or Armenian disease. Within 3 months, every 2-3 weeks he had bouts of severe pain throughout his abdomen, accompanied by a rise in temperature to 39 degrees. The attack lasts several hours and passes. Multiple examinations, including colonoscopy, did not clarify the cause of the disease.

We diagnosed whipworms at Imedis. We selected therapeutic frequencies. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies. The recommended diet, propolis.

After 2 months, the attacks did not recur. More than 1 year has passed. The patient has recovered!
Patient D. T.
58 years old
Diagnosis: colon tumor
She is a gynecologist. For more than 2 years she has been worried about constipation (defecation happens 1 time in 5 days), pain in the right side of the abdomen, gas, fatigue. CT scan: tumor in the right colon. To clarify the diagnosis, a colonoscopy was done, but they could not make a biopsy. An operation was proposed, followed by a clarification of the diagnosis.

At Imedis, we diagnosed the cause of the tumor - whipworms. The parasites damaged the ascending colon deeply, mucous and muscular layer. At this place, severe inflammation, edema developed, closely located lymph nodes increased. On CT it looks like a tumor. The whipworms. were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

We selected therapeutic frequencies. Diet recommended, propolis. A month later, the pains, fatigue disappeared, and the defecation returned to normal. 7 years have passed.

The patient has recovered, works and leads a normal life.