Ascaris or roundworms
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 60% of the world's population is infected with roundworms. The disease caused by ascaris is called ascariasis. Adults and children suffer from ascariasis. There is information about ascariasis even in an infant at the age of 1 month. Mature worms live mainly in the lumen of the small intestine. Females can grow up to 25-45 sm, males 15-25 sm.
In the intestines of an infected person, there can be from several pieces to hundreds of roundworms. Each fertilized female periodically lays up to 250,000 immature eggs per day. Roundworms do not reproduce in the human body! To ripen, eggs must fall on the ground along with feces. They ripen for about 1 month at temperatures above 25 degrees. Mature eggs are infectious for over 20 years!
People are infected by swallowing ascaris eggs from contaminated hands, poorly washed vegetables and fruits, from inhaled dust, etc. The eggs of parasites can get on food from the paws of flies and other insects. In places where the soil is fertilized with human feces, ascariasis is much more common. Fruits, vegetables, herbs grown in such places can be sold everywhere.
From the swallowed eggs, larvae emerge in the small intestine. They penetrate the intestinal wall, penetrate the veins there and are carried by the blood to various organs. After about 8 hours, the larvae are in the liver, then in the heart, and a day later in the pulmonary capillaries. Through the walls of the capillary and pulmonary alveoli, the larvae enter the respiratory tract, move to the mouth and nose. There they mix with saliva, are swallowed and re-enter the small intestine. Here they feed, grow and, after 2 months, turn into mature worms. Males fertilize females, which periodically release eggs.
The lifespan of ascaris is about 1 year, but with repeated infections, the disease can last for years. Ascaris larvae are very dangerous. For 2 weeks, they feed only on human blood, up to 0.5 liters per day! During movement with blood, the larvae injure all organs on their way - the small intestine, intestinal veins, liver, heart, pulmonary artery, capillaries, alveoli, bronchi, larynx, pharynx, middle ear, salivary glands, nasal sinuses. In these traders, foci of inflammation and hemorrhages can form.
During pregnancy, ascaris larvae can enter the fetus from the mother's body. If they damage vital organs, the pregnancy ends in fetal death or miscarriage. If other organs are damaged, the newborn baby may have defects, deformities or incomprehensible diseases.
Mature worms injure the intestinal mucosa, assimilate nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Feces and excretions of ascaris are absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream and are carried to all organs.
Why are roundworms dangerous?
Roundworms can pass into the large intestine, into the appendix and cause colitis, appendicitis. They can even pass through the intestinal wall into the abdominal cavity. In such cases, a deadly complication occurs - peritonitis.
Surgeons should be aware of the dangers of bowel surgery in patients with ascariasis. Worms can pass through the intestinal sutures into the abdominal cavity and cause peritonitis.
Roundworms can enter the bile ducts, pancreatic ducts. Then jaundice and a very dangerous purulent inflammation of these organs occur.
Roundworms can fall out of the rectum along with feces. Sometimes they come out of the mouth or nose. Such cases are very frightening for the sick and those around them
Doctors know cases of death of patients from suffocation, as a result of ascaris penetration into the throat.
A ball of many intertwined roundworms can cause intestinal obstruction.
Mature roundworms were sometimes found in the heart, lungs, brain, and paranasal sinuses.
These are abdominal pain, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, drooling, gnashing of teeth, bad breath, constipation or diarrhea, allergies, rash, itching, acne, hair loss, cough, ear pain, runny nose, sinusitis, anemia, weakness , fatigue, irritability, headaches, dizziness, etc.
What symptoms can there be with ascariasis?
Each patient has his own, individual reaction to ascariasis. Some may have one or two symptoms, while others may have more. The severity of symptoms also varies. Someone may not pay attention to their minor ailments, while others may have severe symptoms.
The main reason that doctors forget about worms is the lack of accurate diagnostic methods.
As you can see, roundworms can be the cause of many diseases. Such patients turn to different doctors (therapist, pediatrician, dermatologist etc.). Unfortunately, many doctors do not even remember about worms. They try to diagnose and treat diseases.
To diagnose ascariasis, an analysis of feces for worm eggs is often used
Many, including doctors, know that this test is not accurate. The test result can be negative if:
  • no infection
  • there is infection, but roundworms have not yet laid eggs.
A positive test result can be if:
  • there is an infection
  • there was an infection, the roundworms died, their eggs still remained in the intestines
Let me remind you that larvae do not come out of these eggs in the intestines!
Roundworms are diagnosed by a blood test
Many, including doctors, think that a blood test is an accurate method for diagnosing parasites. In fact, this is a biochemical blood test that can detect antibodies that are formed in the blood of infected people. It is known that chemical reactions can occur only in the presence of a sufficient amount of reacting substances, catalysts and other conditions. Therefore, the blood test is not accurate.
The results of this analysis can be:
  • No infection
  • There is infection, but there are not enough antibodies for a biochemical reaction.
  • There is an infection
  • Infection once was. Antibodies remained in the blood.
Such analyzes can be the cause of errors for doctors and patients!
Difficulties in diagnosing ascariasis
Despite the fact that roundworms are among the most studied worms, much about them is still unknown. The human roundworm does not live in the body of animals. Therefore, it is impossible to study it on animals! Ascaris continues to bring surprises.
How does this happen?
A73year-old woman with hydropneumothorax was admitted to the hospital. This is a rupture of the lung with accumulation of fluid and air in the pleural cavity. A bloody fluid flowed out of a tube placed in the pleural cavity. Added a diagnosis: lung cancer. The doctors started chemotherapy. A few days later, unexpectedly, 10 sm of Ascaris crawled out of the tube!

How did a mature ascaris get from the intestines into the pleural cavity? Can ascaris larvae during migration remain in different organs and grow there to mature worms? Can mature worms penetrate from the intestines into any organ? There are still no answers to these questions!
In recent years, scientists have identified a new species of ascaris - the head roundworm (Ascaris megalocephalon). This type of ascaris lives in humans in the cranial cavity, in the paranasal sinuses. The head roundworm was found during operations or during autopsy.
There is on the internet (South Korea)
In a patient diagnosed with intestinal obstruction, during the operation, the surgeon pierced the swollen part of the intestine to deflate it. Suddenly, dozens of roundworms began to crawl out from there.
It is difficult and not safe to treat ascariasis with drugs!
A young patient from Riga was diagnosed with ascariasis. The girl's reaction was unexpected: "Doctor, I just came to you because of them! I have no life from these damned roundworms! Because of them, I can't get married! No medicine can destroy them. I decided - either they will live or I! Today is my 15th day of fasting. I will starve until I starve them. I tried all the folk remedies, nothing takes them! I am fasting for the 2nd time. The first time I starved for 12 days, it did not help. All symptoms returned again: headache, rash, itching of the body. I itch all night. Well, what kind of man will live with me? "

Currently, only at Imedis, with a good specialist, it is possible to accurately diagnose ascaris and destroy them with resonant frequencies.
Here are some interesting examples from our practice:
Patient S. A.
7 years old
Diagnosis: ascariasis
According to her parents, the girl has a very poor appetite. For several months she has been trying to persuade her to eat something. Blood, urine and ultrasound tests are normal. Vitamin treatment does not help.

On the device "Imedis" we diagnosed infection of the girl with roundworms. We selected therapeutic frequencies to reduce the sensitivity of the patient's body to parasitic toxins. Ascaris was destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 3 days, the girl's mother reported that the child was already asking for food himself!
Patient P.O.
32 years old
Diagnosis: diffuse hair loss
She is a doctor. For more than 7 months, the patient is worried about diffuse hair loss. She was treated by a dermatologist, trichologist. The cause of the disease is not known. The treatment doesn't help.

We diagnosed ascariasis at Imedis. The frequencies were selected to reduce the sensitivity of the patient's body to parasitic toxins. Ascaris was destroyed by resonant frequencies.

After 4 months, new hair began to grow.
Patient A.
35 years old
Diagnosis: ascariasis
For 2 months she was worried about nausea, often vomiting after eating, heartburn. Ultrasound, complete blood count within normal limits. FGS result: erosive gastroduadenitis. Amylase is elevated in the blood test. The patient was treated with a diagnosis of gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, but the patient's condition worsened.

On the device "Imedis" we diagnosed the infection of the patient with ascaris. We selected therapeutic frequencies to reduce the body's sensitivity to parasitic toxins. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies. The patient soon recovered.
Patient D.S.
63 years old
Diagnosis: ascariasis
For 8 months she has been worried about itching in different parts of the body. She was treated by a dermatologist, therapist. The cause of the itching is not known. All analyzes and studies are normal. They recommended contacting a psychologist.

At Imedis, we diagnosed a patient with roundworm infection. We selected therapeutic frequencies to reduce the sensitivity of the patient's body to parasitic toxins and others. Ascaris was destroyed by resonant frequencies.

The itching went away within 1 week!
Patient A.
14 years old
Diagnosis: ascariasis
For more than 3 months she has been worried about focal hair loss on her head, a small, red, itchy rash on her stomach, poor appetite, bad breath. Treatment by dermatologists and pediatricians did not help. There are no dental diseases.

On the device "Imedis" we diagnosed the infection of the patient with ascaris. The parasites were destroyed by resonant frequencies. We selected therapeutic frequencies.

After 2 weeks, the patient was no longer bothered by anything, she asks for food, there is no bad breath, itching and rash. Hair regrowed after 4 months.
Patient G.A.
9 years old
Diagnosis: headaches
According to her mother, for 8 days the girl has been suffering from almost constant headaches. All analyzes are normal. Medication only temporarily relieves headaches. An MRI scan of the brain revealed an increase in the size of the pineal gland with the presence of a 7x6x3 mm cyst in it.

At Imedis we diagnosed ascaris larvae in the superficial veins of the brain.We selected therapeutic frequencies to reduce the sensitivity of the patient's body to parasitic toxins, treat inflammation in the walls of the veins, and others. Ascaris larvae were destroyed by resonant frequencies.

Within 5 days the headaches diminished and then stopped! Morethan 1 yearhaspassed. Thepatienthasrecovered!